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Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, object-oriented, functional, imperative, and block-structured language. Swift is the result of the latest research on programming languages and is built using a modern approach to safety, and software design patterns by Apple Inc. for iOS applications, macOS applications, watchOS applications, tvOS applications. Swift is easy to learn, easy to implement, safe, fast, and expressive. Developing Swift in the open has its exciting aspects as it is now free to be ported across a wide range of platforms, devices, and use cases.

The features of Swift are designed to work together to create a powerful language.
Additional features of Swift include:

Learning about Variables, Constants, Strings, and Operators

  1. Variables and Constants:
  2. Strings:
  3. Strings represent sequences of characters, used for text data. In Swift, strings are enclosed in double quotes (").
  4. Operators:
  5. Operators are symbols that perform operations on data. Swift provides various operators for arithmetic, comparison, logical operations, and more. Arithmetic Operators: + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division) Comparison Operators: == (equal to), != (not equal to), < (less than), > (greater than), <= (less than or equal to), >= (greater than or equal to) Logical Operators: && (AND), || (OR), ! (NOT)

Data Types in Swift


Control Flow and Functions

Control Flow and Functions in Swift Swift offers powerful tools to control the flow of your program's execution and organize code into reusable blocks with functions.

  1. Control Flow:
  2. Control flow statements dictate how your program progresses based on conditions or loops.
  3. Functions:

Classes and Structures

In Swift, classes and structures are the fundamental building blocks for creating objects that encapsulate data (properties) and functionality (methods). While they share some similarities, they have key differences to consider when choosing which to use.

  1. Classes:
  2. Classes are reference types, meaning they store their data on the heap (a shared memory area). When you create a class instance (object), you get a reference to that memory location. Classes support inheritance, allowing you to create subclasses that inherit properties and methods from a parent class. They can manage their internal state and provide methods to access and modify that state.
  3. Structures:
  4. Structures are value types, meaning they store their data directly within the instance itself. Copying a struct creates a completely new copy of the data. They do not support inheritance. Structs are generally simpler and more lightweight than classes. They are well-suited for representing small, well-defined pieces of data.

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